Tutustu itsepalvelukassan käyttökohteisiin
Itsepalvelukassa tehostaa lippujen myyntiä tapahtumissa
Erplyn itsepalvelukassa soveltuu täydellisesti tapahtuma-alan lipunmyyntiin. Kassasta myyntitapahtuman yhteydessä tulostuvaan kuittiin on helppoa lisätä esimerkiksi pääsylipun viivakoodi, jolloin asiakkaat voivat ostaa pääsylippunsa paikan päältä täysin itsenäisesti, eikä henkilökuntaa tarvita ollenkaan.
Itsepalvelukassaan liitettävän viivakoodinlukijan avulla asiakkaat voivat lukea tuotteensa kassan läpi, jonka jälkeen Nets maksupäätteen avulla asiakkaasi voivat maksaa vaivattomasti lähimaksun avulla ostoksen ja lopuksi kuittikoneesta tulostuu yrityksesi logolla ja muotoilulla varustettu kuitti ostoksesta.
Remember when beauty salons used to have front desks?
Customers are in hurry, all they want is to get in and get out, as quickly as possible and avoid long lines at usually understaffed front desks
Very frequently, customer problems overlooked in the daily management of your salon can be solved quicker and easier than you might imagine. The situation is entirely different if you use the right tools to solve long customer queues and offer better, faster customer service.
5-minute wait equals -5 to your beauty salon experience and a lower online rate, what should you do?
A good self-service terminal can solve this: when the client enters the services area, she chooses the right service added by you from the self-control panel, confirms the hairdresser and proceeds to the self-checkout mode.
How to maintain a good customer retention in your beauty salon?
Do you wish to sell gift cards and packages to your clients, but find settling accounts and recording them exceptionally difficult?
The shortcut section “Loyalty” helps you to collect valuable data by surveying the customers’ activity: what products for hairstyles do they use more? What services are subscribed more?
Ever heard of an automated coffee shop?
Create a coffee shop experience
Multitasking is the main cause of slow customer service: the barista has to balance between making cappuccino, serving customers quickly, welcoming new visitors, and finally accepting payments from them. All these tasks should be done simultaneously! Instead of hiring different employees to ensure one task, you can automate your coffee shop and let your business run on its own.
Focus only on delivering a good coffee with the best customer service
No matter how busy consumers get, it seems there’s always time for coffee. First, Implement your self-checkout point in the coffee shop, add your coffee list so the customer can choose what they want. Run attractive discounts campaigns or introduce your loyalty cards: Customers can scan their cards or enter their client ID. Next, let them pay for their orders through the payment terminal. The barista starts processing the order and focusing only on the quality coffee flavor and how to deliver it quickly.
What makes your laundry business different from others?
Self-checkout may be nothing new – but it’s a trendy technology today in the laundry field. Do-it-yourself has become the norm for today’s consumers, especially in the contact-free era. From paying for the service to unloading the washing machine. Customers prefer using self-service and checkout technology over having to ask a salesperson.
What customer service looks like in a laundry business using a self-checkout?
Every business needs customers. The customer service that you provide in your business is crucial. Can you imagine that you can today provide the best customer service without employees? The answer is yes! How?
The client enters your laundry business with a bunch of dirty clothes. First, they choose the laundromat from the self-checkout machine: amount of clothes, defining all the necessary input, choosing the time of the washing program, and finally proceed to the checkout to finish the process. They can also scan their loyalty card, by pressing the shortcut “loyalty” and adding their information: customer ID, first and last name, email, or phone number. Finally, they download the coupon from the self-checkout terminal and wait until the end of the laundry cycle.
Convert your payment POS into a marketing channel
Client acquisition and retention are essential to holding a laundromat business. By using the self-checkout, you can get an extra promotion channel for your service workflow: add promotion campaigns during the weekend, offer other products to buy from the terminal such as washing liquid or capsules aka selling more!