Erply’s IT team is constantly working to improve the feature set of the POS for our customers, and today we’re excited to announce that one of the most highly anticipated Erply Back Office updates has finally arrived. Last week, we released the Back Office version 4.5.0, which includes a number of major feature updates. With these latest improvements, retailers with multiple locations will be able to organise stores by region, and we’ve also rolled out the ability to display receipts in a more detailed way.

The names of the main new features are Store Regions Module, Receipt Printout Configuration and Displaying Discount Information on Receipt. Let’s look a closer look.

Store Regions Module

The Store Regions Module will be a big help for retailers with multiple locations in helping you to organise stores more effectively. As mentioned, you can now group stores into regions and manage different stores individually by region. The biggest convenience of this new feature is that it will allow you to set up price lists that can be applied to an entire group of stores at once. Should you wish, you can also specify if a promotion should apply only in certain regions and/or only to a specific group of customers.

Find the Store Regions Module in the Retail Chain section of your Erply POS.

Receipt Printout Configuration & Displaying Discount Information on Receipt

With the latest updates to Receipt Printout, you can now choose to display additional information on your receipts, tailored to your needs. 

A new group of checkboxes in Erply allow you to select which data will appear on receipts, including promotion, price list, and manual discounts. 

To detail one example, you can configure receipts to display line-by-line information, such as information about discounts next to the item that they apply to.

To start configuring your business’ receipts in Erply, navigate to Settings → Configuration → Receipt Printouts.

About Erply

Erply manages all areas of your retail organisation including point of sale, sales back office, inventory management, employee payroll, accounting, customer CRM, multi-channel/e-commerce and more, in a single integrated system. Our goal is to allow retailers to focus more on business and less on IT, by providing a solution that is easy to use, cost-effective, and technologically superior.