Inventory List For Your Garden Supply Store

34% of gardeners never notice the product prices or compare plant prices when shopping: they focus on purchasing the products they need for their garden. This willingness to pay means you can be flexible with your stock control. Still, some consumers are more willing to pay higher prices for certain plants and products, like plants with a high survival tolerance, than others. And if you stock plants with various dimensions, especially in-door potted plants, you are likelier to get a more significant profit margin. Impulse buys are not typical in the garden industry, but they suffice for stores that know how to bundle plants with gardening equipment. See, with this knowledge, you can determine precisely what stock you need to benefit from these customer behaviors by meeting their immediate needs. Still, here is a garden store inventory checklist for you to use as a guide.

For Pest And Weed Control

Before planting anything, you must remove any weeds or pests in your garden or landscape. Therefore, supplying pest and weed control products is bound to get you healthy sales. As a tip, try to focus on selling organic pest and weed control products to keep chemicals away from growing plants. These include:

  1. Vinegar

Vinegar mixed with very hot water kills weeds without contaminating garden soil. But caution your customers not to pour it on their garden plants.

  1. Dormant Spray

Dormant spray is organic pest control that is commonly used on fruity plants. Add it to your inventory list for customers that like to grow fruits in their gardens.

  1. Mesh, Copper Tape, and Pennies

Either will eliminate any snails or slugs in your garden or soil. Pennis, Copper Tape, and Mesh produce an electrical charge when these pests crawl over them, which they hate. Therefore, they are your perfect repellent.

  1. Mulch

You can sell mulch to your gardeners in bags. You can order a full truck of mulch and package it in different bag sizes or order already packed bags and sell them. Ensure the mulch at your store is not colored – colored mulch contains chemicals that leach into the plants, including vegetable plants.

  1. DIY Pest And Weed Control Options

Did you know that soapy water can actively kill weeds in your gardens while simultaneously chasing away pests? Soapy water is incredibly excellent for use on aphids. So, create a kit with eco-friendly liquid soap, measuring spoons, and a tag that directs your customers to mix 2 tablespoons of the soap with one gallon of water.

For Soil Amendments

Different soil types have distinct acidity and alkaline levels that determine how well certain plants thrive. Therefore, include soil amendment options for your gardeners to help them set soil conditions that ensure their gardens produce the best plants. These include:

  1. Worm Castings

Worm poop is perfect for gardeners transplanting their vegetables or plants in containers or a garden.

  1. Lime

Dolomite lime is excellent for naturally acidic soil since it sweetens it up and makes it more conducive for plants like Brassica, which need alkaline soil to grow correctly.

  1. Mushroom Compost

Like mulch, buy mushroom compost in already packed bags or bulk and pack it yourself for your customers. It is perfect for gardeners with potted plants.

For Soil Improvement

Fertilizer is a requirement in your garden supply inventory because every farmer will use it to improve the quality of their soil. As such, these are the different types of fertilizer to stock in your store:

  1. Seaweed Fertilizer

This eco-friendly fertilizer is made from seaweed and has a pleasant smell, making it excellent for gardens, especially leafy vegetable gardens.

  1. Fish Fertilizer

Despite the rotten fish odor, the fish fertilizer is excellent for vegetables and other plants because it is organic. Reassure your clients that their tomatoes will not smell like fish.

  1. Granular fertilizer

Granular fertilizer is excellent for planting holes made before transplants or seeds are grown. When mixed well with the soil with some water, it is also effective for side-dressing plants. Or, you can get an organic mixture of granular fertilizer.

For Seeding

Adding plant seeds to your inventory list is an obvious choice. The types are also different, so select those that do well in your region. Apart from the plants' seeds, you will need other stock items to support the seeding process like:

  1. Pots And Trays

Pots and trays are a must-have item in your stock list since they are convenient, portable, and on-demand items in the gardening industry.

  1. Potting Soil

Sell high-quality soil with excellent moisture retention for gardeners without a yard or landscape. You can offer options like fertilized and non-fertilized soil. The trays ensure the plant parents with plants in their houses or on the balcony do not overwater their plants or accidentally soak up their carpets as they water their seedlings and plants.

For Plant Protection

Certain products are expressly sold to protect garden plants from pests or harsh weather conditions. You need these items in your inventory if you live in a region with adverse seasonal weather changes, and most of your clientele is house plant owners. These plant protection items include:

  1. Row Covers

They allow gardeners to extend gardening activities into seasons where plants would not normally thrive, like in the Summer heat. For instance, you can transplant later into the fall or earlier in Spring if you have a row cover. Gardeners also use row covers to protect vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and kale from aphids and cabbage loopers.

  1. Cloches

Gardeners with a few plants prefer cloches because they protect individual plants from harsh elements like hot weather. The best-selling ones to add to your stock have a vent on top to control the air temperature inside the cloche.

For Plant Support And ID

These are additional stock to keep in your garden store, making your customer's work more convenient. For instance, plant tags and labels are not entirely necessary for a seasoned gardener, but they can add some appeal to the garden or their home.

Paint-it-yourself tags are also excellent add-ons for gardeners that want to involve their kids in their gardening activities. Other plant support tools to consider adding to your inventory list include:

  1. Plant Supporters

When plants reach specific heights, they need good supporters like stakes to keep them from bending or breaking. Therefore, add these supporters to your inventory list for plants like beans and tomatoes. House plants like monstera might also need supporters to keep them from bending in the direction of the window or from spreading out and filling up house spaces.

  1. Twine

Some plants need to be tied up to supporters like stakes or trellises. This is the work of the twine. Add some that break down or compost and others that are green in color so they can blend well with the plants.

Wrapping It Up

Inventory management is critical in the retail industry because it affects your customer satisfaction capabilities and, in turn, your revenue generation. Therefore, you need an effective inventory management system that tracks all your inventory and ensures you have all the items in stock. This is where our Erply POS solution shines. So if you'd like to know more about how we can improve your garden store inventory, talk to us here for a free consultation or demo.