It used the steady reduction of product prices as a strategic tool for growth sustenance. This approach became a style, an art that made IKEA’s growth enviable. The company seeks full knowledge of production costs before taking up any new project. Low product prices and high product quality became possible because of low production costs. IKEA had to restrategize because of the global recession of 2008 and the general spike in prices. It repositioned itself for a long-term growth through a further reduction of product prices. Consumers were able to get the same high-quality products at lower prices. How did this become possible? The company researched, identified, and eliminated all unnecessary elements that add to production costs. Next, IKEA invested 100 percent of its savings in the development of its core business areas. This investment helped in ensuring the sustenance of these lower product prices. It is worth mentioning that at other companies, a reinvestment of 25 percent is a top range. Despite the economic downturn, this strategy helped stabilize IKEA’s growth margin. The company maintained a growth rate of about 10 percent year to date. Before the global recession, IKEA enjoyed a profitable growth in almost all its markets. It hardly took note of the negative cost elements in its production practices. With the economic downturn, the company maintained its people-focused culture and the drive to make its products affordable to most of its customers. It did not cut down on capital expenditure through employee disengagement. It rather eliminated all negative elements that add to production costs, and this helped boost the price reduction strategy. The company also gained tremendous goodwill and a greater share of its market environments.
The IKEA Group has operations in 43 countries.
Total of
315 stores in 27 countries
.In 2014, the IKEA Group stores had
716 million visits
had more than
1.5 billion visits
during FY14, up 15% from FY13. The IKEA range consists of approximately
9,500 products
.Every year IKEA launch about
2,000 new products.
IKEA have
12 in-house designers and 60-70 external designers
via contracts.
IKEA believes that low prices are possible even with high product quality.
This combination became IKEA’s veritable strategy and drive for its sustainable business growth.
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