How To Find a Beauty Product Buyer

Sourcing beauty products is a challenge, especially when you have to worry about the other business facets - marketing, hiring, order fulfillment, and customer service. 

You need to negotiate the best prices when sourcing beauty products to allow the business to make a healthy margin. Suppliers will also need you to prove that you’re a reliable customer by making precise sales volume predictions.

Managing suppliers is an uphill task. You must keep communication lines open between them and your organization. If there’s a problem with a supplier, you need to have another capable one on speed dial to ensure client orders are met. 

See why you need help with sourcing your beauty products? A beauty buyer has got you covered. They’ll manage the purchasing process too to ensure the relationships with suppliers and customers remain intact. But how do you find a beauty product buyer?

1. Check Out Local Beauty Product Buyers

Start by checking out some local beauty product buyers. You can find these in salons and beauty stores. Ask the store owners for referrals and you will likely find a good one. 

Check their credentials and ensure that the state properly licenses them. Also, ensure that they are experienced and have a good reputation. A great way to find out if a buyer is trustworthy is to ask them for references. This could be their past customers or suppliers they've worked with.

2. Ask Your Friends and Family for Recommendations

If you’re in the beauty space, there’s a high chance that a friend or family member in the same space has contact information for possible beauty buyers. Even if they’re in another field, it doesn't hurt to ask. They might know where to look or the right person to ask in their network.

It’s easy to ignore family and friends when it comes to your business, but that might lead to missed opportunities. 

3. Use Social Media To Find a Beauty Product Buyer

Social media has changed every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s making new friends, shopping, playing games, or learning, it’s all possible on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. 

It’s no different for beauty buyers. A simple search of the word beauty buyer on LinkedIn’s search bar will provide you with hundreds of options to choose from. 

It doesn't matter if you want an inhouse buyer or freelance one, you will find them all on the platform. 

The same applies to Twitter and Facebook. A quick search will give you enough results for you to pick from. 

4. Contact Professional Associations for Beauty Product Buyers

There are dozens of professional associations for beauty professionals in the cosmetics industry, such as:

Find one near you using the local business directory on your search engine. Register to be a member of your local cosmetics association and get access to their network. You will have a wide variety of options to choose from. 

You can also apply to other international beauty associations provided you meet their requirements. 

5. Use an Online Search Engine Like Google or Bing To Locate Potential Buyers

The best place to start is an online search engine like Google or Bing when looking for a buyer. Use the keywords "beauty product" and "buyer" in quotes and see what comes up. If you have trouble finding a buyer, try using more specific terms such as "beauty product distributor" or "beauty product wholesaler."

When you have found a potential buyer, it is essential to contact them so that they can give you all of the information that you will need to make an informed decision about whether or not they are the right choice for your business. 

When selling beauty products, one of the most important things you need to ask any potential beauty product buyers is their return policy
and if they offer any guarantee on their products. A good return policy will allow you to return any purchased items if they turn out to be faulty or not up to par with expectations. You should also ask if they offer refunds on returns.

6. Search for a Beauty Product Buyer on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist

When you're ready to source for beauty products, start searching for a beauty product buyer on Facebook Marketplace
or Craigslist. These platforms offer you access to hundreds of beauty buyers who can source cosmetic products for you. Post an ad for free asking to hire beauty product buyers or look for results of beauty product buyers looking for retailers to source for. . 

In addition, they're both local sites where buyers can connect directly with you via text or email. It makes it easy to set up a meeting time and place to discuss business. If you're not sure which platform to use, try posting on both and see which one gets more responses from buyers.

7. Use Indeed and Other Recruitment Sites

Sometimes getting the right person means hiring them to fill an inhouse role. There are thousands of professionals who want to hold a beauty buyer position in a cosmetics retail shop and are actively looking for open positions on websites like Indeed
, AngelList
, Glassdoor
, and FlexJobs

Therefore, create an account with one or more job websites and post a job ad. Be sure to include the job descriptions, starting salary, and any other requirements you have. Potential hires want to see your employment benefits, so include that too.

A good benefit to offer is remote work. Since the pandemic, both employees and employers have warmed up to the idea of remote working due to its inherent benefits like a better work-life balance and higher productivity.

8. Leverage Popular Beauty Events

Do you know what the International Beauty Show- IBS New York
, International Salon & Spa Expo – PBA ISSE
, and International Beauty Show – IBS Las Vegas & IECSC
all have in common? They bring professionals in the beauty industry together.

Such events offer you a great shot at finding some of the best buyers in the industry. You don’t just want a professional with a good resume. You want one that the industry respects, and there’s no better place to find them than at a beauty event.

What’s more, networking with other beauty retailers offers you access to their network of professionals, including beauty buyers. So, attend beauty events regularly and don’t be too shy to mingle. 

So, Is It Possible to Find Beauty Product Buyers?

Yes, absolutely. If you look in the right places, you will find a beauty buyer who ensures buying decisions are supported by a commercial framework that promotes sales and profits. You need to ensure they know how to negotiate with suppliers for better margins and discounts. 

It’s important that they know how to maintain good relationships with suppliers and manufacturers. This ensures that your cosmetics retail business is offered exclusive and first to market beauty product opportunities. Even more, you will be considered first for supply when the supplier is facing supply hurdles. 

He who finds a good product buyer finds a good thing!

About Erply POS

This might seem totally unrelated to the topic but it would be a lost opportunity for your business if I didn't mention it. 

A good POS system is essential to your success too. Erply POS
, for instance, has a dedicated team focused on helping you stand out among the vast beauty industry. 

We understand the importance of being unique, so we have various features like killer promotions, elegant designs, and e-commerce integration that will surely provide you with progress in the cosmetics business. 

Inventory management is a crucial part of your business that makes sure you always meet order deadlines and never run out of stock. Your beauty buyer will need access to Erply’s inventory management features to know exact amounts of stock to buy and which brands. 

Try the 60-day Free trial on Erply