With Thanksgiving just a few days away, we here at ERPLY feel it’s the perfect opportunity to express how thankful we are for our loyal customers. From our customers who have been with us for years to those who have recently partnered, we are grateful to be a part of your team. We understand and value the amazing effort it takes to achieve business goals, so we are happy to help you along the way! Thanksgiving also kicks off the 2016 Holiday Retail Season! The three days immediately after Thanksgiving are some of the biggest retail days of the year and our staff will be there to help. Our technical support hours are as follows:
Black Friday: Full technical support will be available during normal business hours (9am-8pm EST) with Off Hours Emergency Support* 12am-9am/8pm-12am
Small Business Saturday: 24 hr Emergency Support*
Cyber Monday: Full technical support will be available during normal business hours (9am-8pm EST) with Off Hours Emergency Support* 12am-9am/8pm-12am
We at ERPLY will do our very best to make sure this upcoming week and the following retail season will be as stress-free as possible. We will be here to assist with any issues or concerns that may arise, so let us know how we can help. From the entire team at Erply Point of Sale, we thank you again and wish you the best for the holidays! *For off-hours calls, an answering service ask for your name, business, customer code, phone number, and a brief explanation of the problem. This information will be relayed to our on-call agent who will give you a call back within the hour. Please note that Emergency Support is only for major retail emergencies. Emergencies include, but are not limited to inability to log in and/or failure to process credit cards. For nonurgent support after hours, please check support.erply.com for any documentation or email us and we will reply during normal business hours.
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Olemme kiireisempiä kuin tavallisesti tällä hetkellä. Jätäthän viestin, niin palaamme asiaan niin pian kuin mahdollista!
Käytämme evästeitä (ja muita vastaavia teknologioita) moniin tarkoituksiin, kuten kokemuksesi parantamiseen sivustollamme sekä mainoksiin ja analytiikkaan. Hyväksy nämä käytöt napsauttamalla "Hyväksy kaikki". Lue lisää tietosuojakäytännöstämme.