Promotions can now have a condition "... when customer buys specific items in a certain price range". This can be used for setting up "tiered promotions", where all items in a certain price range (eg. $50-$69) get a new, fixed price.
Improvement: Sales Report no longer displays a column for each tax rate that has been defined in the system. Columns with no values are omitted.
In locations list, the column "Number of users with store access" now excludes the built-in support user.
Some Russian translations updated.
Fixed: making a Purchase Invoice from Purchase Order did not copy tax rates over.
Fixed: issues with the "Latvian invoice numbers" feature. Now it can be also used in other countries than Latvia.
Fixed: Report "Distribute Goods To Selected Location" gave an "insufficient user rights" error.
Fixed: automatic update of matrix variations (when the parent product's information was changed) did not update the variations' last change timestamp.
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