Field "inventoryTransactionDate" added to API getSalesDocuments, getPurchaseDocuments, getInventoryRegistrations, getInventoryWriteOffs, getInventoryTransfers.
For POS, API switchUser call now outputs the same service discovery URLs ("cayanGatewayURLs" etc.) as API verifyUser.
Support for the configuration setting "Sales Order does not reserve goods" added to API.
API getSalesDocuments now runs faster.
API saveProduct and getProducts: added support for extra product codes (Code 5, Code 6, Code 7, Code8). This is an extra feature that customer support can enable when needed.
Fixed: API saveUser checked user rights incorrectly and in some cases did not allow a manager to edit a user.
Fixed: Bug fixes in API saveGiftCard, saveDocument, savePOSStatistics.
Fixed: it was not possible to overwrite fields "associateID" and "professionalID" (custom fields for one customer) on the rows of a confirmed sales document.
Fixed: Sometimes, API getSalesReport produced output in incorrect format (HTML).
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