Support for the employee authorization process, introduced in Classic back office 4.10 and Berlin back office 5.11, has been added. If the restrictions have been enabled from back office and user has not been given access yet, API will prevent user from accessing customer information.
New API call logProcessingOfCustomerData has been added. Use this call to log customer processing activities that have taken place outside of Erply if it is not possible to keep a log elsewhere.
Fixed: when editing an existing product, API call saveProduct will no longer reset the product's tax rate to the default value if no tax rate is provided.
Fixed: applying promotions "Buy 3 pcs of Product X for $10" to a sale was a very slow process.
When using a standalone customer registry, a timeout or no response from the registry no longer causes a fatal error (error 1000). Timeout has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
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