Brazil POS: SSL-sertifikaatti vanhenee 8. helmikuuta 2025. Päivitä nyt jatkaaksesi maksujen ja tulostuksen kanssa. Vanhemmat versiot tulisi käynnistää uudelleen POS:n päivittämiseksi.
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Berlin POS: Uusi versio julkaistiin 15. tammikuuta 2025. Päivitä nyt varmistaaksesi sujuvat maksut ja tulostuksen.
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Erply is EMV ready! Can your provider say the same?
With the October 1 st deadline looming many POS providers are scrambling to keep up with the change in technology. Erply on the other hand, is ahead of the competition and already accepting EMV enabled payments. If you're unfamiliar with EMV or just need some more information you can read our latest blog post
which covers the ins and outs on EMV. ERPLY is fully prepared to accept EMV payments via our partnerships with Cayan , Element Payment Services , Verifone Point, and Mercury . There are multiple hardware options available with more on the way. For a closer look at hardware options and step by step setup instructions visit our EMV Payments page
. Whether you're an existing customer looking to transition or a new client looking to upgrade your technology, ERPLY has you covered. With new devices bringing NFC payments including Apple Pay on the horizon, ERPLY is the most reliable option for EMV.
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