Can set customer for offline product prices synchronization via configuration parameter using the customers id
Possible to read scanned EAN codes via configuration parameter by using a regex expression designed for the scanned EAN structure
Option to enable supervisor PIN validation for manual discounts that exceed the maximum discount limit of the employee
Scan customer code, which will select the customer without having focus on the customer field
Ability to define document types to be sent to secondary printer for printing via configuration parameter by using a comma separated list of document types
Random weighted products supported. These products are bought in to the warehouse by pieces but sold by weight
Configuration parameter to allow only original tenders on void/return is enabled and the original transaction was completed via gift card then now cash is enabled as a tender for void/return
Rounding when using multiple currencies has now been fixed both visually in POS and on transaction documents
Transaction payment via integration fails then pressing 'Cancel' now gives the customer the possibility to do external payment if allowed for integration. If red X ('cancel') is pressed instead of external payment and some payments were already covered then they will be voided and customer redirected to payment view (if integration supports voiding previous transactions)
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