Erply has some great news for developers! We recently updated our API report request system – all report-related commands are now listed by topic to make it easier to quickly find the command you're looking for and pull the report from the API. 

Here's how to find the right command using Erply's API. 


  1. getSalesReport

    Produces a "Sales report" (which, in addition to net sales, also reports VAT or sales tax) or a "Cost of Goods Sold" report (which reports costs and sales margins). Offers many different aggregation options.
  2. getCustomerBalances

    Returns all customers who have any unpaid invoices (or prepayments, or store credit), and their current balance.
  3. getAccountStatements

    Same as previous — but additionally, for each customer, returns a link to a payment reminder letter (PDF), and links to all unpaid invoices (PDF).
  4. getCostOfGoodsSold

    Returns the cost of each sold item in the specified time period. The same information can be retrieved from API call getSalesReport, too.
  5. getTaxExemptions

    Returns a list of sales documents to which tax exemption has been applied. (For more specific use cases.)
  6. getRoundedSales

    Returns a list of invoices to which rounding has been applied. (For more specific use cases.)
  7. getSalesTotalsByEmployeeAndDay

  8. getSalesTotalsByEmployeeAndMonth

  9. getSalesTotalsByWarehouseAndDay

  10. getSalesTotalsByWarehouseAndMonth



  1. getProductStock

    Returns current inventory quantities on hand (at the moment, or on a specific date), reserved quantities, weighted average cost, Reorder Points and Restock Levels.
  2. getSummaryInventoryReport

    Returns total value of inventory by location, on a specific date.
  3. getAmountsOnOrder

    Returns the quantities that have already been ordered from suppliers (but have not been delivered yet). When deciding on how much to reorder, the already-ordered quantities must be factored in to prevent double ordering.
  4. getReservedStock

    a list of reserved product quantities (ie. all products that have been reserved with a Sales Order, Prepayment Invoice, or a Sales Quote). The same information is also available from API call "getProductStock", but a standalone call may be sometimes more efficient (less output to process).
  5. syncTotalProductStock

    For a specific use case: if an application wants to
    synchronize the total inventory quantity across all locations
    . Use it if your application only stores a total inventory quantity for each product (not separate quantities per store), and wants to stay up-to-date with all changes made in Erply.


Order Fulfilment

  1. getFulfillableOrders

    Returns sales orders that can be fulfilled with the current quantity in stock. (The report arranges unfulfilled sales orders in chronological order, starting with the oldest, and prints out those for which it can allocate inventory.)


Purchases and Inventory Transfers

  1. getPurchaseReport

  2. getInventoryTransferReport


Point of Sale Operations

  1. getPointOfSaleDayTotals

    For the "day closing" procedure. Returns the total of all sales transactions taken place during the cashier's shift, grouped by payment method.
  2. getReports

    Returns an "X Report" or "Z Report".
  3. getEmployeeStats


Recurring Billing

  1. getBilledUntilDate

    Returns all recurring billings and the "billed until" date for each one. This is necessary for deciding which customers need to be issued a new (monthly, yearly) bill — and what period must it cover.



  1. getAppliedPromotionRecords


Gift Cards, Coupons, Reward Points

  1. getGiftCardRedeemings

  2. getRedeemedCoupons

  3. getUsedRewardPointRecords

  4. getEarnedRewardPointRecords



  1. getUserOperationsLog

The full list of all Erply API functions

you can find here

   Erply offers an extremely robust API and is compatible with a variety of software integrations to offer retailers the highest level of customization.

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create it


or contact our team at or by calling +1 917 210 1251.